
Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Storms can bring heavy rains and strong winds.It can cause damage and floods.Here are some few,simple steps to do when there is a storm.

1.FILL A PAIL WITH WATER.If there are brown-outs, we may need water.We take baths and wash clothes.We use water to do these things.

2.GET A FLASHLIGHT AND BATTERIES.At night,it is dark in brown-outs.You may need a flashlight to see through the dark.In case your flashlight runs out of battery,a pocket of batteries may help.

3.FILL A BAG WITH FOOD.When it floods,you may run out of food.

These are the basic steps to do when there is a storm.We can also help people who are flooded.They need food,water( bottled water is good enough),shelter and help.Storms can also do good things. They can cool down a hot day, and bring rain to a dry place.Watch out for a storm!


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